Founded on a taste good, feel good philosophy

A legacy that lives on
While Francisco recently lost his long battle with cancer, his inspiration, ideas and passion lives on in the line of carefully crafted, seriously delicious products we’re proud to bring to people today.

Our difference: Serious about creating new levels of wellness and joy for everyone
We’re serious about putting care, craft and expertise into each and every delicious product we create. That vision and dedication is why we apply decades of confectionery expertise to make products with the highest quality ingredients, latest technology and popular genetics. It all comes together in the great-tasting cannabis products we carefully design to uplift hearts and minds.
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New products, recipes, and events, oh my!
©2024 DREMACIP, LLC | The Swirl Logo, SweetBuzz, Sweet Sparks, Sweet Somethings, Sweet Empowder, and Seriously Delicious are trademarks of DREMAC IP, LLC.